Through the Divine Mercy Novena, Jesus has promised to grant every possible grace to people’s souls – The Divine Mercy Novena is a time of Prayer that is offered to the Lord for nine consecutive days – Padre Pio’s favourite prayer
Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet – Padre Pio’s favourite prayer
DAY ONE – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray to lead all of humanity back to Him, especially the sinners, so that all may be surrounded by His Divine Mercy. By doing this, we will ease God the Father’s sadness for the loss of the sinners’ souls – Oh, merciful Jesus, whose true nature it is to forgive us and have compassion on us, look not at our sins. Rather, see the trust that we put in Your infinite goodness. Welcome us into the radiant abode of Your heart and watch over us for all eternity. Oh, Divine Mercy, haven for sinners, through Your kindness, succor those who humbly call upon You – Eternal Father, look compassionately upon all of humanity. Look especially upon the sinners with love. Bring them back to the true path through the Merciful Heart of Your Son – Praise be to You forever – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)

DAY TWO – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray to lead priests and religious leaders back to Him, so that they may be surrounded by His infinite Mercy. Our omnipotent God works through priests and religious leaders so His Mercy is poured out upon us every day – Oh, Jesus, source of all that is good, build up your Grace within priests and religious leaders, so that they may perform works of mercy. May they be an example and help us to praise Our Father who is in heaven – God, source of love, come into our hearts and purify them through Your mercy, that they may become bright like the stars, and clear as a spring of pure water – Eternal Father, look lovingly upon the souls of the priests and religious leaders. Give them Your blessing, that they may be worthy of Your holy altar. Grant them the power of Your light, that they may lead others along the path of salvation – Praise be to You forever for Your infinite Mercy – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY THREE – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for all the faithful and devout people, that they may be filled with His Divine Mercy. Faithful and devout souls, through their unceasing prayers, have relieved Jesus Christ’s suffering along the road to Calvary – Oh, Jesus, son of God, who generously envelops us with the gift of Mercy, welcome us into the radiant abode of Your heart and watch over us for all eternity – Oh, Divine Mercy, who performs marvelous works in our lives, look upon us and draw each one of us to Your love – Eternal Father, look upon those who are faithful and devout with leniency; they are Your Son’s descendents. Grant them the Your blessing and protection, that their faith may be strengthened and that they may continue to glorify You together with all the saints and angels for all eternity – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY FOUR – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for all those who don’t believe in God and who don’t know His Divine Mercy. While making His sacrifice on the cross, the Lord suffered and prayed for the salvation of even them – Merciful Jesus, you who are the light of the whole world, welcome those who don’t believe in God and in His Divine Mercy into the abode of your ever compassionate Heart. May Your grace enlighten them that they may, together with us, glorify Your holy name – May the light of Your love illuminate the darkness around the lost souls; may they know, pray, and love Your Mercy together with us – Eternal Father, look with Mercy upon the souls of those who don’t know You. Bring them into the light of the Gospel and let them also exalt the bounty of Your Mercy for all eternity – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY FIVE – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for all those who have left the Church, that they may be led back to His Divine Mercy. It will ease Jesus Christ’s suffering and His wounds will be healed as these souls return to the Holy Mother Church – Merciful Jesus, endless source of goodness, welcome the souls of those who have left the Holy Mother Church into the abode of your ever compassionate Heart. Illuminate their minds, as they are surrounded by wretched darkness. Deem them worthy to guide them back to the Holy Mother Church that they may glorify the bounty of Your Mercy – Eternal Father, look mercifully upon the souls of those who have left the Holy Mother Church, those who have squandered Your blessings and abused Your grace as they stubbornly persisted in error. Look not at their sins, but at the love of Your Son who has taken upon himself all of their sins- May they also pray Your great Mercy for all eternity – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY SIX – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for those who are meek and humble, and also for the children, so they may enjoy His Divine Mercy. Indeed, those meek souls now on earth already experience Heaven, and the Creator Himself delights in their humble hearts – Merciful Jesus, You who said, “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart,” gather those who are humble and meek, and the children, into the most merciful abode of Your Heart. These are they who are as a multitude of flowers before God’s throne; the Creator Himself delights in their fragrance – Eternal Father, look mercifully upon those who are meek and humble, and also on the children – those who have been enveloped in the abode of Jesus’ Heart. These are those who are most like Your son – their fragrance goes up from the earth and reaches the kingdom of heaven. Merciful Father of all that is good, we plead for You to bless the whole world, that all our souls may sing together in praise for Your Mercy – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY SEVEN – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for those who cherish and celebrate His Mercy. These are they who have suffered greatly because they are deeply immersed in His spirit. They are a living witness of His merciful heart. Their souls will be defended by God the Father and will shine with light in the highest of heaven – Merciful Jesus, gather Your favored ones who cherish and celebrate the greatness of Your Divine Mercy. These are they who find strength in the power of God, and who walk through all types of tribulation with faith in Your Mercy. They will not be judged harshly in the hour of death – Eternal Father, look mercifully upon those who cherish and celebrate Your infinite Mercy. These souls are a living Gospel – their hands are full of merciful works and their souls are full of joy. Through them, Jesus’ promise is fulfilled: “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY EIGHT – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for the souls in Purgatory. We offer them our leniency to earn them some relief from the terrible suffering they’re going through, and so the heavenly doors of Your Divine Mercy may be open – Merciful Jesus, I’m here to guide all the souls in Purgatory to the abode of you most merciful Heart. Ease the suffering of their purification so that Your power and Your Mercy may be glorified – Eternal Father, through the most holy crucified body of Your Son, His wounds, and His cruel death, we ask You to consider the poor souls in Purgatory with pity and Mercy. Look not at their errors; rather, free them from the awful pains they’re enduring and admit them into Heaven – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
DAY NINE – Divine Mercy Novena
God the Father asks us to pray for those who are “spiritually lukewarm” and who lack faith, so they may be immersed in the sea of His Divine Mercy. These people wound God’s heart in a most painful way; they are a source of suffering as it makes vain the suffering of His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ – Merciful Jesus, I’m here to guide all the souls of those who are “spiritually lukewarm” and who lack faith to the abode of your most merciful Heart. Wake them from their numbness and direct them to a holy way of life. Warm their arid and cold hearts with the glow of Divine Mercy – May they become strong in the presence of Your Divine Mercy, and may the strength of Your love pull them away from all earthly concerns – Eternal Father, look mercifully upon the souls of those who are “spiritually lukewarm” and lack faith. Guide them along the true path. May the light of Your truth shine in their clouded and uncertain minds. Oh, Divine Mercy, convert them and never let them walk into the cold or into perdition – Oh Padre Pio, intercede for us before Divine Mercy, Amen – Now pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (see below)
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
How to Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy? The Chaplet of Mercy is recited using ordinary rosary beads of five decades.
- Begin with the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary and The Apostles Creed.
- Then on the Our Father Beads say the following:
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.- On the 10 Hail Mary Beads say the following:
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
(Repeat step 2 and 3 for all five decades).- Conclude with (three times):
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.