An Act of Spiritual Communion – The Prayer of Spiritual Communion is not well known or widely practised, yet it is a special and incomparable source of Grace – With this prayer for receiving Spiritual Communion, we ask for Jesus to be present in us when it is not possible to physically receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass.
Prayer of Spiritual Communion
An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. Lord I love you above all other things and I yearn to have you in my soul and to receive you in the humble abode of my heart.
I bow down to you and offer you all of my repentance. Come into my heart by spirit, because now I am not able to receive you in Holy Communion.
Come into me, oh my Jesus, so that I receive you, embrace you and join myself to you. May Your infinite love light up my entire being and do not allow me to be separated from You. Amen