The Prayer of Abandonment, written by Charles de Foucauld, is one of the most beautiful prayers of faith, trust and surrender in the Christian spiritual heritage.
The prayer of Charles de Foucauld – Prayer of Abandonment
Father, I abandon myself into your hands. You are Lord of my life and you act in me through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. I thank you for all you have done and will do in me. I am ready to accept your divine plan, for I trust and hope in you alone.

You are joy and peace; you are sweetness for those who surrender themselves to you; you take away the darkness that envelops my life. Free me from every evil and grant me the joy of living a new life in peace and charity.
May your will be done in me, in my brethren, and in all creatures. You are my God and I can desire no other.Into your hands I commend my spirit, and I entrust it to you will all the ardor of my heart. Yes, my God and Lord, I give it to you because I love you immensely and I need your love.
I want to entrust myself completely to you; I fervently desire it, for you are my Father. Pour out your grace upon me; create in me a new spirit able to pray, listen, and serve. Grant that I may remain always at your side, for I am in need of you and of your love. Amen (inspired by the Prayer of of Abandonment by Charles Foucauld)