Prayer to Jesus Christ Crucified – Prayer Before the Crucifix
O Christ lifted high, O Love crucified, fill our hearts with your love, that we may see in your Cross the sign of our redemption. Lord Jesus Christ, who accept the Cross at the hands of men to make of it the sign of God’s saving love for humanity, grant us and all the men and women of our time the grace of faith in this infinite love.

O Christ, as you fall under the weight of our faults help us and all who are weighed down by sin to stand up again and continue the journey. O Mary, who walked the way of the Cross with your Son, your mother’s heart torn by grief, help us, in the face of suffering, rejection, and trial, however prolonged and severe, never to doubt his love.
Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you were drawn by the Father from the darkness of death to the light of a new life in glory. Grant that the sign of the empty tomb may become a wellspring of living faith, generous love, and unshakeable hope.
Jesus, the beginning and fulfilment of the new man, convert our hearts so that, abandoning the ways of error, we may walk in your footsteps on the path which leads to life. Jesus, only-begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and light which illumines every person, give the abundance of your life to all who seek you with a sincere heart. To you, man’s Redeemer, the beginning and the end of time and of the universe, to the Father, unending source of all good, and to the Holy Spirit, seal of infinite love, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen (John Paul II, Stations of the Cross 2000)